
Monday 27 February 2012

Eggless Fresh Mint Ice Cream (Philadelphia style)

When looking up recipes for mint ice cream i gained enlightenment (or just information?) about naming of ice creams. And like i said before, when i learn something new i am compelled to tell you about it. Now if you 've tried making ice cream at home from scratch, you know that you can either make them with or without eggs. Ice creams made with eggs are cooked into a custard base and are supposedly richer and creamier than their egg less counterparts. Now did you know that the richer style of ice cream with eggs is called French style ice cream and the egg less version is called American or Philadelphia style ice cream? There, that's my revelation for today that i 've been bursting to tell you. When i write it down, it doesn't sound that great. I guess my surprise was that Americans are credited for creating a low fat ice cream and the French for the high fat ones but people of the two counties don't seem to bear testimony for that. Or maybe the quantity of ice cream consumed makes all the difference. Or my sample size is too small. I will leave it to you to decide.

In any case, i was too lazy to try the custard based ice cream. It demanded more of my time and patience than i was willing to part. So the Philadelphia style won my heart with its simplicity that didn't compromise on deliciousness. Summer has arrived in full force in Hyderabad, the streets are near deserted at noon and ice creams are luring people. And while we haven't stopped eating spicy home baked chicken wings just because its hot outside, this ice cream is the one that's most welcome afterwards with its refreshing mint taste. I am not completely satisfied with the dozens of pictures that i have clicked of this ice cream and the few that made into this blog, but i just could not look at that ice cream any longer without devouring mouthfuls. You understand, don't you?
Converted into egg less from simplyrecipes inspired by my previous ice cream.
Serves:5-8 based on the serving size

1 cup fresh mint leaves, packed
1 cup milk, pasteurised or boiled and cooled
2 1/2 cups cold heavy cream ( I used Amul low fat cream, the only thing i can get)
1 cup granulated white sugar
  1. Warm the milk and sugar in a medium saucepan on low heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves in the milk. When the milk starts to simmer (you will see little bubbles just surfacing at the edge of the pan), stir in the mint leaves. After a minute, remove from heat and allow to rest for 15-20 minutes. Now bring the milk back to the stove on low heat until it reaches a gentle simmer. Turn off the heat and allow the mint to infuse into the milk for another 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the milk into a clean bowl and discard the mint leaves. Allow the milk to cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes
  3. Take the cream in a large bowl and stir in the cooled mint-infused milk. 
  4. Freeze for 1.5 to 2 hours
  5. Take it out of the freezer before it is completely frozen and blend it again using a stick blender (like i used) or in a stand blender.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 at least four times to get rid of the ice crystals and to get a smooth texture.
  7. Freeze overnight and your home made mint ice cream is ready to serve.
This time i held out for the multiple cycles of freezing and blending unlike my first home made ice cream. I only did one cycle for the strawberry ice cream and i could feel the difference with this one. The ice cream does get smoother if you have the patience.
La's tips
  • If you have an ice cream maker (lucky you!) you can skip steps 5 and 6 and follow the instructions on your ice cream maker instead.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of chocolate vermicelli (like i did) or chocolate chips or finely chopped dark chocolate when blending the ice cream for the last time. Crunchy chocolate gives a good contrasting texture to the ice cream and goes perfectly with mint.
  • The original recipe recommended a pinch of salt. I plain forgot. Will add next time
  • Also, i only added a packed half cup of mint leaves, about two fistfuls and i didn't get a green colour to my ice cream. But i did get a substantial mint after taste. I have recommended a packed full cup of the leaves and am going to try with even more next time. Or you can add 2 drops of food colouring!
Linking this to the events Sweet Luv at Zesty Palette and Lets Cook: Sweet Somethings at Tickling Palates.
Linking this to Anjali's first event Cakes, Cookies and Desserts.
Linking this to Valentine Day Special event at Anzz Cafe.
And linking this to Sobha's Just 4 fun event at Good Food.


  1. Wow .. icecream looks yummy. I have never tried making icecream at home, although it is on the list :). Thx for linking to the event.

    Event: Sweet Luv
    Event: Strawberries

    1. Thanks Vardhini. I am sure your kids will love it

  2. Very flavorful delicious ice cream...

    Cuisine Delights
    My First Event - "COLOURFUL HOLI".

  3. Wow thats such a flavorful ice cream. I love mint and this looks awesome

  4. wonderful n so falvorful icecream..

  5. awesome!i adore mint choc chip........will try out this recipe ..thank you for your suggestion on my space...will pay heed to it:)

    1. I love your space Simran. Lazy cooks recipes are always a huge hit!

  6. Too beautiful and equally innovative!! I love home-made ice-creams and this is a fantastic start. Thanks for linking.

    Event : Cakes, Cookies and Desserts

  7. Wow are those mint specks in the ice cream? It looks totally droolworthy. Well done!Thanks for that trivia. I enjoy knowing about such stuff.

    1. Those are chocolate vermicelli. I used very little because i was afraid they would all sink to the bottom.. They didn't and show up as little specks. more chocolate next time!

  8. Wow, that's a cool one, homemade ice creams..

    1. They are easy even if you don't have an ice cream maker.. give it a try, Hema.

  9. looks yummy n soft n mouth watering ice cream dear.........


    1. Thanks for dropping by Maha. going over to your blog now

  10. Looks so soft amd nice refreshing Ice Cream !! Love it !! Great presentation !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Dish For Loved Ones

    1. i am so happy you like the presentation, Sravs.. i was worried sick it didnt look appetising

  11. very yummy n flavourful icecream :) have never tasted mint icecream though i have seen in stores..thanx a lot dear for another yummy entry :)

    Join the Just "4" Fun event :)

    1. Sobha, you already know i am delighted with your event. If you like mint chocolates or mint in general, you will love this ice cream

  12. Hey..thanks for stopping by the blog..I actaully used Oven..but you know sometime you are in hurry and you write the post without giving a second thought..and with microwave and oven I actaully intermigle these two many times...Thanks for pointing it out though...

    1. Thats alright, i understand. You have a nice space and will be back soon

  13. Very yummy n delicious,mint leaves flavorful!!
    Erivum Puliyum

  14. This has turned out so well La.. juts looks like the one in fancy restaurants :).. i love the clicks & the smiley mug in particular :).. u have been tempting me by whipping amazing ice creams.. :)

    1. I am so glad you think so Rasi. And thank you. That smiley mug i bought recently at a handicrafts village in hyderabad for 60 rupees. Doesn't it look like spongebob square pants ;)

  15. Love that mug loaded with ice-cream, so cute! I had no idea about the American and French version, thanks for the info. See, I've never done ice creams at home, don't have an ice-cream maker, and no patience to do it without the machine!

    1. Oh Nash, thank you. I too didnt have patience for proper ice cream the first time around, but i think its addictive. I am already planning trying out a chocolate ice cream next.

  16. oh wow... u actually had the patience to make icecream from scratch. tried it once before when i had too many strawberries but like u i dont own an icecream maker & it was an all day project. looks awesome.. so refreshing the mint must have been..esp with the chocolate chunks. kinda like 'after eight'. btw, had no idea custard based was french & eggless was american, thanks fr the info!

    1. Oh yeah, 'after eights' are lovely. I love love love mint chocolates and this is as delicious.

  17. A divine looking and sounding ice cream!



  18. Looks really good! Must be so aromatic!

  19. Luscious! makes me want ice-cream, any ice-cream now, at 12.45 a m!

    1. That's the best compliment i could 've asked for :)

  20. This looks amazing! I love that you can actually make ice cream! So impressive.

  21. I love this one. Love the fact that theer are no additives to male the ice cream smoooth.
    Good one La

    1. Thank you Archana. You should try it this summer. Your girls are sure to love it.

  22. Eggless. Love this. Such a good option to ice cream. I have been making a lot of sorbets lately and using egg white as a stabiliser. Apparently there is a soy protein powder that does a better job. Hmm.. . .

  23. this one is really good and i can't wait to try it out

  24. OMG.. looks too good dear.. Love the combination too .. Yummy :)
    Indian Cuisine

  25. thanks for the recipe! do you serve the icecream directly from the freezer or do you transfer it first to the refrigerator and then serve?

    1. Directly from the freezer. If it looks too hard to get it out with a scoop, leave it at room temperature for 2-3 minutes to soften slightly.

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