
Wednesday 7 September 2011

My burger takes many sides - Black and White Wednesday

We had this chicken burger for dinner one night before i started blogging. This was one of the first photos i clicked after having taken a fancy to photographing foods. I was also previously not too keen on presenting foods well, i would just throw whatever i cooked on a plate and hand it over to my husband. Then during one of our usual chit-chat sessions, my mother-in-law told me how much her son liked well presented food. This was news to me, and i was appalled at the way i was serving him lunches and dinners with zero thought to presentation for a whole year. So this photo was from that time when i started giving presentation a little thought and wanted to click a photo to remember my humble beginnings.
The burger is made of grilled chicken breast fillet (cooked similar to this) and the sides are grilled pink onion slices, fresh tomato slices, small scoops of avocado, fried fresh green chilies, pickled jalapeno slices, and grilled green bell peppers.
Since i don't have the process pictures for this dish, this never made it to the blog till today. And today this gets to see light because of Susan's Black and White Wednesday event.


  1. So which software did you use for this, La?

  2. I used picnik, as you suggested. And so glad i could participate. So thank you kindly :-)

  3. Loved your blog....loved your experiences. It still happens with me that I discover something about my husband which I should have known much earlier (married for 5.5 years now) so its a continuous process I guess. Do you live in the US? If yeas, which place?

  4. Thank you Priya, Sonal and Jay.
    Sonal, i live in India in Hyderabad. Popping over to your blog now to know more about you.

  5. Sonal, just realised you don't blog, or i couldn't find the link on your blogger profile? Thank you for stopping by mine and letting me know you liked it. Gives me great inspiration :) I hope you will come back for more.

  6. Burgers are all about the zillion little condiments you pile on. Thanks, La, for teasing me with chiles and raw onion in your tasty BWW photo.

  7. Thank you Susan, for giving me the opportunity :-)

  8. Really nice attempt.

    I Still do not know how my hubby prefers his grub:-)
    tonight I shall ask him.

  9. little things that don't cross our mind... i personally never cared much for how food was presented, just how it tasted. So never crossed my mind to ask :)


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