
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Healthy Carrot Cake for a birthday

I have been MIA (been so eager to use that word) and will stop trying to justify my absence. You are used to my apologies by now, aren't you? Its just that i have been lazy and uninspired. You know, that realisation that i am adding nothing to this blog by talking about what i eat. Then again i read recently in another blog's comments that the purpose of a blog is to write and not about others reading it, that's what inspired me to finally make a comeback and put my thoughts out here.
What i would like to remind myself today is that i have started out on this mission of trying out new foods and documenting the results here a year ago and it has been a fulfilling experience, especially when not much else was happening in life. Not only have i cooked up new foods that i would otherwise not have, but i would like to think that i brought happiness to people along the way with my baking experiments. So in keeping with the tradition, i baked a healthy carrot cake for my mother-in-law's birthday last week.

Oil and Vanilla added to eggs and sugar
Because we weren't going to feed any kids, i looked for a recipe that was on the healthy side and not too rich. This recipe where the quantity of carrots surpassed the quantity of flour fitted in nicely with my intentions. I omitted the full cup of pecans in the recipe as my in-laws have weak teeth and the hard nuts would come in the way of enjoying a bite or many.
I had all plans of frosting up my cake for the first time ever, but then a miscalculation in judging the size of my new flower shaped baking pan caused batter overflow in the oven, slightly dampening my spirits, eating into the available time, finally resulting in a plain cake, which was probably more enjoyable because it was less indulgent.
The recipe calls for a 9x13 inch baking pan. If you don't have a large pan, please halve the recipe for an 8 inch circular pan or use two pans. Don't be like me and simply hope that its going to be fine with a smaller pan! The batter flows out like lava and leaves a dent in your cake, literally! And trust me, you don't want to do the cleaning up that follows or the smoke fuming out of the oven ten minutes into baking.
Fresh grated carrot stirred in to the rest of the ingredients

Recipe Source : All Recipes
Prep Time: 20-30 minutes
Baking Time: 40-50 minutes

4 eggs
1 1/4 cups vegetable oil
2 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3 cups grated carrots
1 cup chopped pecans/walnuts (i didn't use this)
Cake batter ready to go into the oven
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan or two 8 inch circular pans.
  2. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, white sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Stir in carrots. Fold in pecans, if using. Pour into prepared pan.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
  4. Use a cream cheese or butter cream frosting to make it more stylish, or serve as is like i did. A perfect moist carrot cake is ready
Have a slice!

La's notes: You can easily replace half the all purpose flour with whole wheat flour without upsetting the final taste of the cake.  
Use a grater with medium sized holes for the carrot, you don't want complete mush or large pieces of carrot.
Linking this to Vardhini's Bake Fest, guest hosted by Resh this month.


  1. Carrot cake looks soft and yummy. Perfectly done.

    Cuisine Delights
    My Monthly Event - spotlight:Curries/Gravies".

  2. Very healthy and moist cake dear

  3. Hey good to have you back La :-) Chalo at least some comment inspired you to make a come back.... now we can say Blogger La who was MIA, has made a come back and re-joined her blog! the carrot cake looks so moist...

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome, Suchi

    2. Now that you are BIA, please do not go MIA again girl! :-)

  4. Love the second picture, it's very good.

    I like carrot cake as well. Good to see you back.

    1. Thanks Sra.. Made carrot cake for the first time and loved it too

  5. very soft and moist cake. nice shaped cake tin

  6. Wow whata soft and delicious cake.I am sure your in laws must have enjoyed the cake. Been missing you and not doing much abt it, sorry.

    I am hosting Kitchen Chronicles Theme Go Nuts...Do send me your entries

    1. In laws loved the cake, Archana.. And i am glad to see you here

  7. Cake looks super soft and yumm..

  8. Very soft & delicious bake..I too had posted a carrot cake few days back,love it!

    Ongoing Events at(Erivum Puliyum)-
    1. The Kerala Kitchen(June'12)

    2.EP Series-Basil OR Cardamom

  9. Hi, I tried this cake with absolutely wonderful results. Thanks for the recipe!!

    1. Delighted to hear that Gayatri. Thank you kindly for letting me know.

  10. ohh so good to have you back. I kept pestering you all this while and finally it was comment on someone's blog that made you post yours! Never mind, atleast you posted :-) Hope you are well.
    the carrot cake looks yummilicious. xoxo

    1. The comment that inspired was from one of your blogs, girl! I have been a lurker the past couple of month, reading all your posts but without commenting ;-)

    2. :-( but I still love you. I have got all your emails. Be prepared for a mother of all emails as a response

  11. Es muy saludable me encanta te ha quedado muy linda me llevo tu receta,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  12. Wow! The carrot cake looks awesome Lahari, I will surely try it the next time around.

  13. Hi la, My friend has tried this cake yesterday..It is very tasty :) everybody at my home liked it..I will definitely try this next time ...Thanks for the wonderful recipe !!!

  14. Thank you for useful article. You have given very good information. Find out more information about black carrot


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