
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Eggless Potato Chip Cookies

Last week i crashed my computer and then proceeded to do the same to my husband's laptop, all because i was searching for a curry recipe to make lunch that afternoon. One minute i was looking at curries using spinach as gravy and the next minute there were dozens of small boxes filling up the screen asking me to say OK to whatever they were doing. I promptly shut my computer down, wishing that whatever was wrong would go away when i restart. (Isn't that how computers are supposed to work?) I then borrowed the husband's work laptop and continued my search there. A small part of my brain was telling me that one particular blog might have been the culprit, still i shushed the little talk in my head and opened the same virus spitting blog. Immediately little yellow boxes were invading the screen. When i sensed what i had done, i promptly handed over the laptop to my husband and told him to fix it. And when he finished reinstalling everything on his computer, i slowly persuaded him to do the same to mine and to save all my food pictures. He was kind enough to do the re-installing on my computer too. But now that i know he can fix it, i don't have to listen to the little warnings from my brain while browsing anymore, do i?
So then i resumed my blog hopping and found a couple of recipes that tempted me. I almost never make something i see online, immediately. When i am very intrigued by a recipe i read and it looks easy enough for me to make, i bookmark it and then come back to the bookmarked recipes a month or two later when i want to post something new on the blog. But this habit was broken last week, not once but twice. The first was to make chicken manchurian the very same night that i read about it and then these potato chip cookies. For some reason i was compelled to bake them as soon as i read about them. And bake i did. And was bowled over.
I use a whisk to cream the butter. Don't have the proper appliances yet.
Slightly modified from Smitten Kitchen
Makes 2 dozen cookies

100 grams salted butter, at room temperature (I used Amul table butter)
1 tablespoon oil (I used olive oil)
1/3 cup granulated sugar (i like it powdered)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
1/4 cup finely crushed potato chips (measure after crushing)
1 cup all-purpose flour
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large bowl cream together butter, oil and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in the vanilla. Add the walnuts, crushed potato chips and flour together and mix until just combined. 
  3. Scoop a tablespoon-sized mound of dough and form it into a small ball with the palms of your hands. Place on a baking sheet and slightly flatten the cookies. Keep about 2 inches gap between the cookies to allow for spreading. Repeat with remaining dough.
  4. Bake cookies until lightly golden at the edges, about 13-15 minutes. Transfer to cool on a wire rack.
A friend who recently came across my blog suggested i should give the cooking instructions point wise and not that everyone is interested in long essays. Following her advice today.
Linking this to the events Sweet Luv at Zesty Palette and Lets Cook: Sweet Somethings at Tickling Palates.
Linking this to Srivalli's event Kids Delight: Eggless and Vegan Bakes hosted by Priya.
Also linking this to Valentine Day Special event at Anzz Cafe.


  1. Lovely cookies quite unusual.Bookmarked.
    Love the changes.

  2. Chips in cookies, that's really new, will try this out..

  3. it is so interesting to find the cchips in cookies. what an idea..

  4. wow that's very innovative !! chip in cookies superb idea !! cookies look wonderful !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Dish For Loved Ones

  5. Thanks all.. Have to admit it wasn't an original idea but it was intriguing enough to try it out. I would recommend it

  6. quite a different taste I believe need to taste them though:)

    keep going lahari!

  7. Wow this is an indeed haat ke cookie idea! Can understand why you baked them that very day!
    Bwt I loved reading about your computer using habits, I have the same habit and my mantra about using computers is use and if problem arises, there is always the husband to bail out.
    By the way I am Suchi, new to the world of food blogs :-)

  8. I thought it would be potatoes but you surprised me with chips :) ..should try this.. they look yum!Just something i noticed, the quantity of chips has to be updated to 1/2, its showing 1/4th..thought u should know, hope u don't mind La!

  9. very interesting and yummy cookies..

    Join with me for the Just "4" Fun event :)

  10. Very interesting n yummy bake..delicious!

    Erivum Puliyum

  11. How interesting! I've never heard of potato chip cookies.

    I identify with your behaviour - sometimes we ignore our instincts and indulge in self-destructive behaviour, I've had that computer thing happen to me too!

  12. @ Rasi - The potato chips should be 1/4 cup after crushing. Before crushing you will need a heaped 1/2 cup or even a little more. I was wondering if anyone will notice that in the pictures. I am glad someone pays attention :)

  13. New one and looks tasty too. Bookmarked. Thx for linking to the event.

    Event: Sweet Luv
    Event: Strawberries

  14. @La : yay! finally can tell S i do have an eye for detail he he!

  15. Am so intrigued. I never buy potato chips but if this is worth the effort then I so want to try it.

  16. say what? potato a a sweet dish. this has got to be the most delecious & unique invention ever! cant even begin to fathom how it tastes but i know it must have been goooood. i HAVE to try this now :)

  17. @Suchi, Thanks. You have a nice place yourself and i like your long write-ups too.
    Sra, I think i almost enjoy my self destructive behavior most times.
    Deeps, I too was skeptical but it really was good. I couldn't stop at one even though i baked a smaller batch than usual and intended to pack some to parents, grandma, sis and in-laws. Needless to say they all only got enough to taste and not for multiple helpings!
    You have to try it to see for yourself

  18. Thank you for dropping by .

    Your space is very nice too.

  19. Nice to meet you La. You too have a nice blog. Happy to follow you.
    Quite innovative and delicious cookies.

  20. Intriguing cookies! I bet they taste wonderful.



  21. Hi La, am back again.
    I am very happy to give you the Liebster Blog Award. Please do drop by my blog to collect it!

  22. very interesting...Like it and bookmarking it right away.

  23. Very new to me...looks extremely crunchy and yum...

  24. Very innovative cookies,looks so yummy.

  25. this is just awesome...droooooooooling here..;P
    Tasty Appetite

  26. Did you say potato cookies?!! Wow. I'm intrigued. Would love to sample it, sure looks amazing!

  27. Lovely cookies! These sound really interesting!
    I just found your blog and I loved it! Am a happy follower now! Visit me at:
    Hope to c u around!

  28. I have never heard of potato cookies - looks amazing! putting it on my list of things to try - thanks for the recipe dear!

  29. What a fabulous idea - the best of both worlds! I'm sure I would love this cookie!

  30. Love the idea of an egg-less cookie...not because I'm vegan, but because I eat so many eggs in the morning I try to avoid having them in other foods that I eat. I have never made a potato chip cookie and would love to given them a shot next time I have a spare bag of tater chips laying around. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. I too am not a vegetarian, but we become vegetarian on festival days or when going to temples. Made these for my family who were making a weekend trip to a temple in another state. These are not too crumbly as i have seen most eggless cookies that way.


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