
Monday 6 June 2011

Welcome to Food Slice

Finally i have entered the world of blogging today. And i have an overwhelming realization that it is not as easy as it looks - to just start posting. Of course it may just be my natural Gemini reluctance to put anything down in words, anything that can be held against me later. And i probably won't admit to have written anything you don't approve of. Who wrote it then, you ask? You can start believing in aliens or government conspiracies or hackers or whatever your thing is to make sense of the world.

Well, i did make a decision to take the plunge and now there is no going back before going forward. So lets see where this journey takes us. And hopefully it will be fun - for you and for me. I intend to write about food and other things that catch my interest, adding in recipes of what i have cooked, the success and  disaster stories, and some food pics in the process which will either make you want to make it right away or keep you away from it for life. Hopefully more of the former!


  1. Congratulations !! A good introduction :)

  2. Thank you both. I hope you will find recipes you will want to try out soon.


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